ATI Sweden

Accurate Technologies Sweden
Flöjelbergsgatan 14 C
431 37 Mölndal
Phone: +46 (0) 31-773-7140

Accurate Technologies AB

Accurate Technologies AB is a fully owned subsidiary to Accurate Technologies in the United States. Founded in 2004, ATI Sweden office's purpose is to build close relationships with all the major vehicle manufacturers in the region. The talent within the Sweden office includes not only sales and support but development resources. ATI Sweden is a key player to ensure close cooperation with all the ATI subsidiaries and distributors to achieve seamless support for global accounts.
ATI Sweden offers a wide range of training topics, but more importantly, these topics can be tailored for your specific application or situation. Examples include:
CAN Bus Networks
Beginning or Advanced VISION
Beginning or Advanced CANLab
Call your ATI representative for details on any of the above or any topic in the area of calibration, data acquisition, network analysis or software rapid prototyping.

Engineering Services
ATI Sweden offers a wide range of services for its customers, offering onsite support or development services. ATI customers can expect full support for software development to connect and interact with not only ATI products, but complementary products critical for your application. These products include PC software, hardware interfaces, data acquisition equipment, sensors and ECUs. With advanced experience with your application and knowledge of ATI and complementary or competitive products from other manufacturers, ATI can provide critical insight, advice or development work for all aspects of our customer's processes and tasks.


Detroits bilindustri i Mölndal

Accurate Technologies Inc., som brukar förkortas som ATI, grundades i Detroit i USA 1992. Detroit är en stad som är känd för sin fordonsindustri, då många amerikanska fordonstillverkare har sina fabriker här. Företaget började med att ta fram produkter för traditionella förbränningsmotorer, men har utvecklats i takt med industrin och omvärlden och jobbar idag med moderna lösningar, bland annat elmotorer. Sedan 2003 har man en svensk division, som passande nog ligger i Mölndal, så att man har nära till den svenska fordonsindustrin i Göteborg.
Kopplingen till Detroit är påtaglig så fort man kommer in i lokalerna på Flöjelbergsgatan; på väggen hänger en klubba som är signerad av Nicklas Lidström, en svensk hockeylegendar som spelade i Detroit Red Wings fram till 2012.

Sweden's Partner Products

Are you searching for additional options that complement ATI product? Or customized solutions for special applications? Our Product Partners, with whom we closely cooperate around the world, can definitely help. Based on their expertise in specific fields, these recognized experts are a useful addition to our comprehensive portfolio – with products and systems that they independently develop and manufacture. What objective do we pursue with these cooperations? Enabling you to benefit from the most complete and efficient solutions of the highest quality. 
Race Technology
Klaric - High Voltage Measurement

Turbo Speed Sensors

Accurate Technologies is pleased to offer the well-known PICOTURN product family of rotational turbocharger speed sensors for the automotive sector. PICOTURN sensors are in widespread use in on and off-road vehicles as well as heavy equipment applications by major OEM’s and Tier Ones globally. Example user cases include engine test stations, passenger car and commercial test vehicles or auxiliary equipment; indeed any instance where precision speed measurement of aluminum or titanium compressor wheels is required.


Current Clamp Meter 
Test Cell Measurement

ATI is pleased to offer CANWAY Current Clamp Meter with Can-Interface for Test Cell measurement. User-friendly read out of measured current values via CAN bus. That allows the measured values to be transmitted interference-free to any desired evaluation unit including over large distances. 

Race Technology

Compact, Configurable Data Display

The DASH4ATI from Race Technology is a compact and highly configurable data display. The DASH4ATI can connect directly to CAN using DBC files to decode and display CAN variables. 

Klaric - High Voltage Measurement

High Voltage Measurement
Optimized for Testing New Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Klaric and Accurate Technologies Inc. (ATI) entered into a partnership in 2019. The partnership leverages the synergies between ATI’s measurement and calibration competencies and Klaric’s competitive advantage in the high voltage sector.


CAN Bus Interface Solutions
Access to the CAN Bus via a PC

ATI offers Kvaser CAN Bus interface products to complement its line of tools for any application requiring access to the CAN bus via a PC. Kvaser's full range of products is all based on the same API, CANlib. Write to just one API for use with any Kvaser platform or use them with ATI's VISION or CANLab Software.